Evi Bouzaki

22 Μαρ 20121 λεπτά

Here is the sun !!! ~~~ Agnir me

Ενημερώθηκε: 22 Σεπτ 2020

My favourite chant up to date!

Taittiriya Upanisads – Taittiriya brahmana

Agnir me vaci shritah  ~ may fire nourish speech
Vag hrdaye  ~ speech nourish heart
hrdayam mayi ~ heart nourish me
aham amrte ~ me nourish that which is internal in me
amrtam brahmani ~ the eternal in me nourish the eternal everywhere

Vayur me vaci shritah ~ may air nourish vital breath
prano hrdaye ~ vital breath nourish heart
hrdayam mayi ~ heart nourish me
aham amrte ~ me nourish that which is internal in me
amrtam brahmani ~ the eternal in me nourish the eternal everywhere

Suryome caksusi shritah ~ may sun nourish sight
caksur hrdaye ~ sight nourish heart
hrdayam mayi ~ heart nourish me
aham amrte ~ me nourish that which is internal in me
amrtam brahmani ~ the eternal in me nourish the eternal everywhere


Finally the sun is out nourishing our hearts!