…Coming back to the elusive, yet ever inspiring subject of the Çakras (pronounced =ch), they can be the ‘wheels’, from the root word ‘Ça’ = to move; they can be the colours, the images of the lotus flower, the energies that we are made of and all these are few objects that we can meditate upon. It is a very nice way for the mind to be absorbed with an object of meditation and at the same time, it is extremely interesting the way we experience the movement of energies and their vibrational rates every time in a different way.
Let’s see one by one the most commonly seven points where the circuits of energy meet…these points receive and radiate energy constantly; so when we hold negative thoughts, our cakras become heavy and ‘dirty’ with dense and dark energy, feeling out of balance. When we our feelings and intentions are based in understanding and love, they operate in a healthy rate and the energies flow with harmony and bliss. Many authors and teachers start from the top of the head to bottom, we can say that on the top of the head we meet the more subtle energies and as we move further down the spine towards the perineum are the gross energies ,but I will do it the other way round. I will move from the bottom to top. It is only because I feel that it is important to establish a solid foundation and a grounding first…to whatever we do. Same with the study/exploration of the Cakras, we start exploring and balancing the bottom first, the earth element, our foundation.
The first, the ROOT Cakra is called Muladhara & is located in the area of perineum. The petals of the imaginary lotus flower are facing downwards between the legs and the stem faces upwards into the central column. The lotus flower is naturally and healthily slightly open.
The key words that are associated with this Cakra are rootedness, acceptance, self preservation.
It is synonymous of grounding. When our foundation is solid only then we are able to observe the changes that are taking place, to be more aware of our surroundings, to be more interactive with all kinds of life. The more we are rooted, the less life becomes a burden. Difficulties take on a new perspective.
Muladhara Cakra is associated with the colour Red in the energy field. It’s element is the Earth and is also associated with the sense of smell.
When healthy, the root Cakra produces and distributes red light and vitality, stability, balance, security. When it is blocked, we become obsessed, we are constantly in fear and insecurity.
Going a bit further up, approximately 2 fingers below the navel, we find the second, the SACRAL Cakra, which is the Swadhisthana Cakra in sanskrit. The petals of the lotus flower open towards the front of the body, right under the navel and the stem is facing towards the sacrum, down the spine.
The key words that are associated with this energy centre are security, sexuality, creativity,empowerment. The attributes of the Sacral Cakra lead out from those of the root, building on and blending with them. When there has been ‘good enough’ nurturing and grounding from the root, one of its’ gifts is the quality of security. Consciousness of sexuality & sexual choices are related to the sacral Cakra.
Swadhisthana is associated with the colour Orange. It’s element is Water and is also associated with the sense of taste.
The earth in the root Cakra symbolises stability and water in the sacral one brings a sense of movement and change. It is often interpreted as governing emotions. When we are gripped by something emotional in life, we may say ‘I’m torn in two by it’. When the sacral energy flows, split and conflict are easier to resolve.
The third is the SOLAR PLEXUS Cakra, the Manipura in sanskrit is located approximately 2 fingers above the navel. The petals of the lotus flower corresponding to this area open towards the front of the body below the sternum and the stem is looking towards the curvature of the low back.
The key words that are associated with this Cakra are logic, opinion, transformation, assimilation, digestion.
Intellect and mind have an important relationship with the solar plexus. The element of empowerment referred to the sacral centre continues. In search of individuality, it is necessary to challenge some of the expectations of society. It is not possible to form & affirm our personal belief systems without the qualities of logic, reason & opinion.
The solar plexus is connected to the digestive system and the physical assimilation of food and nutrients.
Manipura Cakra is associated with the colour Yellow. It’s element is Fire and is also associated with the sense of sight.
A healthy manipura enables us to plan our life well & wisely and to know when the winds of change or choice are blowing in our favour. When it is blocked, we may be over fiery and irritable with digestive problems and dysfunctions.
Around the region of the heart it takes place the HEART CAKRA or Anahata in sanskrit. If we had a flower located there, the stem would correspond to the upper back where the spine naturally curves and the petals would open towards the front.
The key words that are associated with this Cakra are compassion, feeling, love of others or God, detachment. Compassion brings non-judgemental understanding. There is a saying that reflects to the true meaning of compassion, it says: ‘judge noone, until you have walked at least a mile in their shoes’
In Anahata Cakra, basic emotions are converted into true feeling. There is a progression from the gut-level emotions at the sacral centre, through awareness of self in the solar plexus, to the quality of feeling, tempered with wisdom, which comes from a developed heart centre.
As the heart opens we reveal and declare ourselves to the world. It is only when we are prepared to be vulnerable and tender in this way that we can give tenderness, true feeling and compassion to others. Detachment can be the discipline which brings clarity, leading to dispassionate appraisal of problems. In this case, detachment becomes a midwife who brings love and wisdom to birth.
Anahata Cakra is associated with colour Green, the spring green. It’s element is Air and is also associated with the sense of touch.
When this Cakra is healthy, then we feel compassion and love towards ourselves and the others, every living being. We feel open and ready to accept, to forgive, to understand. When it is unbalanced, the ego takes over, it may leaves us with a sense of no self and an inner numbness. We might feel jealous, fearful or live with despair.
Moving up, towards the region of the throat, we find the THROAT CAKRA, the Vissudha. The flower has it’s stem looking at the back of the neck, the cervical spine and the petals open towards the front of the throat.
The key words that are associated with this cakra are expression, communication, responsibility. Vissudha represents the vibrational level by which we express ourselves. We need to fearlessly find our voice to express who we are and to be heard. Every moment of communication enables life to move on. We express ideas, we exchange information and build up data which help us in the endeavour to understand the world in which we live. And through this data and concepts given form by language, creation happens. So awareness of the throat cakra is vital if we are to realise our full potential. In a deeper level, V.C. connects us to our inner self and it allows us to listen as our soul speaks. We listen and we pose questions with no doubt we are in conversation with ourselves.
Vissudha is associated with the colour Blue, the whole range, the pale and dark blue. These colours also affect the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It’s element is Ether and is associated with the sense of hearing.
When this cakra is in balance, we open the lines of communication, speak the truth without harm, we are in touch with playfulness, joy and innocence.
When it is unbalanced, we have tightness in the throat, we cough or talk excessively, are unable to listen or to express ourselves.
Tha Cakra that is associated with the BROW centre or the 3rd eye, is the Ajna Cakra. The imaginary flower that is there has its stem looking at the back of the head and the petals open towards the front- the 3rd eye.
The key words that are associated with this cakra are spirit, inspiration, insight, transformation. Literally translating the word ‘Ajna’ it means command; through awakening this cakra, we attain greater command of our lives and respond with enhanced awareness and sensitivity. The spirit seeks completeness, commands action to enable it and fertilises inspiration & insight. Within each one of us there is a spark or essence which never gets clouded from our behaviours & reactions, untouched from our character and personality. This spark always burn on. With the 3rd eye open, we see both physically and intuitively. We believe in our intuition which is linked to our deeper perception and understanding which is free of confusion, where the questions are clear.
The colour associated with Ajna cakra is Magenta or the mauve, an intense, deep colour.
When this cakra is underactive, we don’t trust our inner voice, we are attached to the material world, we can’t make decisions, we procrastinate a lot, we don’t know what we want. When it is over-active, we become spacey, unable to be practical in our daily lives, we don’t feel connected with the world. When it is balanced then it is open to strengthen the relationship between personality and spirit. We create our reality by using imagination, freedom of choice, free of attachments and with an enhanced spirit.
At the crown of the head is located the CROWN CAKRA, the Sahasrara. The imaginary flower sits on top of the head with the petals facing upwards to the sky and the stem going down to the central column.
The key words that are accosiated with this cakra are soul, surrender, release, spirituality, purity. The soul as defined spiritually is the receptive part of our being which can be clouded by the burden of experience. The soul governs the pattern of karma, absorbs & reorganises our actions and learning, so we need to keep clear our communication with it, by bringing light, vision and wisdom into our actions. Bringing those qualities to our responsible actions, we learn to trust our inner self and bring spiritual growth into our lives. We are then ready to surrender and release into a more relaxed attitude to life, enjoy life. Positive contact with this Cakra on the crown of the head unblocks the channels which enable the personality to receive light, strength and joy from the Divine source. When that power flows in then all the other cakras are balanced. For that reason, Sahasrara Cakra is considered to affect the pituitary gland which secretes hormones to control all the endocrine system and also affects the central nervous system (CNS) .
The colour associated with this Cakra is white, indicating purity.
A person who has unbalanced crown cakra will be unhappy, have no concern for another person’s feelings, may be confused or have trouble learning. Probably feel misunderstood, have low self esteem or become frustrated. When this Cakra is balanced, the person will be more open to new things, become more joyful, be attracted to spiritual things rather the material ones, be more creative.
There are so many ways to explore these energetic fields…!!! And it is quite fascinating!
Happy exploration!
Check ‘Exploring the Cakras’ – part1 : http://wp.me/p1W676-aX