~~ Vayu->Prana->Breath and their connection ~~
Yoga Sadhana requires a deeper understanding of the origins of all elements as they all emanate through one source- the Brahman.
Wind or Vayu in the atmosphere, is considered to be the one that makes the earth inhabitable and hospitable to life, through which Prana (the life force) flows through us and sustains all beings in a microcosmic level.
Breath becomes the carrier, the vehicle and comes into our system through Prana.
Wind is also a purifier, as well as fire or water; it is cleansing the atmosphere. We need fresh prana which is brought to us from the wind.
I'm sure that you all feel better (and breathe better) when the air is clean!
Most likely away from the city..! 😊 🤍
I'm taking the chance to bring in one of my favourite chants from Taittiriya Upanishads which is an invocation to our outer and inner worlds and the various elements ---
I'm going for the Vayu ---->
Vayurme prane sritah
Hrdayam mayi
Aham amrte
Amritam brahmani
Let this wind support my breath and link my breath to the heart
and the immortal self in the heart
forever linked to the great spirit of existence